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This program is designed for all basketball players. The emphasis will be on the fundamental skills of dribbling, shooting, passing, rebounding, and defense as well as 5-on-5 plays.

Members $150, Non-Members $200



September 3rd - October 22nd (8 classes)

5th-8th Grade Boys - 3:30-4:30 @ YMCA

1st-2nd Grade Boys & Girls - 4:30-5:30 @ YMCA



September 5th - October 24th (8 Classes)

5th-8th Grade Girls - 3:30-4:30 @ YMCA

Kinder/1st Grade Boys & Girls - 3:30-4:30 @ YMCA

3rd-4th Grade Boys & Girls - 4:30-5:30 @ YMCA


Image result for craig austrie basketball


Members $200, Non-Members $250


September 9 - October 28 (8 classes) - Mondays - 3:15-4:15 @ YMCA


Fall League - 9th-12th Grade Boys House Basketball

Games only, no practices. Games will be played on Tuesday and Thursday nights at the YMCA. A pre-season draft will determine the teams. Connecticut High School rules will be enforced with a few Darien YMCA modifications. Games are played 4 vs. 4 (smaller rosters means more playing time and more touches for each player). Each player will receive a Darien YMCA Basketball t-shirt. Season will end with a single elimination tournament. Low time commitment if you have other fall activities. Great way to get ready for the winter season whether you play house league or for DHS!

*Space is limited*
Draft: No tryouts. Staff will create teams.
September 10 - October 24
Price: Member $200  Non-Member $250
Site: Darien YMCA


* Two 20 minute halves with running time. Time will only stop on free throws and timeouts. The clock will also stop on dead balls in the last minute of the 1st half and the last two minutes of the 2nd half.
*7 team fouls will get you shooting one and one. You only get two free throws on shooting fouls.
*Each player gets 5 fouls before they foul out. A technical foul counts as a personal and a team foul.
*Each team gets 2 timeouts per half. Timeouts from the 1st half do not carry over into the 2nd half. Each team will get one timeout in overtime.
*Game play is 5 on 5 but if a team is short, 4 on 4 is allowed.
*Pressing is allowed as well as all types of offenses and defenses.
*Halftime is 3 minutes long.
* One referee and one scorekeeper will be working each game.
*Overtime is one minute long. The clock will stop on dead balls.
*No protests.
*No shot clock.
*3 point shots are allowed.

**CONDUCT - Please make sure you, your players, and your parents respect and treat the YMCA Staff properly as well as the other participants of the league. These leagues are for fun and the last thing we want to deal with is behavior issues. If a player, parent, or coach is a problem on more than one occasion they will be asked to not return and they won't be allowed to participate in the league. No money will be refunded.